Installation view at Friends School of Baltimore's Katz Gallery

BmoreArt Blog, "Baltimore's Contemporary Art Authority" as the masthead says, published an extensive illustrated interview yesterday on my current show at Friends School of Baltimore. Cara Ober, the Editor, interviewed myself and Ramsay Barnes
from Friends School's Art Faculty about the background and themes in the exhibit. Usually I write my own material on this blog, but since Cara did such a nice job with her article, I'd like to urge my readers to have a look. Here's the link to the article. 

Now that all the heavy lifting is out of the way, here's a few more photos from what you'll see at the show. Up at the top is my big oil From Day to Night, accompanied by a group of smaller pastels,

Below is an earlier piece, Country Road, oil on canvas, 28 x 42".

And here is West From Monhegan, oil on panel, hanging with the vine charcoal drawing I made on Monhegan Island off the coast of Maine that ultimately led to me making the large oil painting. Often I'll wait a while before deciding which of my plein air drawings I want to use as a basis for a more involved oil. It's sort of like a farmer letting a field lie fallow for a year before replanting. I think on some level I'm working on these things in the back of my mind all the while.

Opening reception for the Friends School exhibit tonightWednesday, January 16 from 6 - 7 p.m. All welcome! The Katz Gallery is located in the lower level of the Forbush Building on the Friends Campus at 5114 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21210.

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