Edward Hopper and Me on Cape Cod

Philip Koch, Penniman House , oil, 9 x 12 inches, 2018, Addison Art Gallery, Orleans, MA Edward Hopper made one of his best known landscapes from a house and barn right on Route 6 in Eastham, only a stone's throw from the historic Penniman House in the Fort Hill area. While I painted this on a cloudy day, I remembered the angle of the sunlight in Hopper's painting Haskell's House seen below. Addison Art Gallery in Orleans, MA has organized a whole number of exhibitions and events around the legacy the painter Edward Hopper left for contemporary artists on Cape Cod. Helen Addison, the Gallery's owner, is spotlighting the deep connection Hopper had with the unique landscape of the Cape. Much of how we see this unusual place is guided by the dozens of paintings he made there. Edward Hopper, Haskell's House , watercolor, 1924. While done in nearby Gloucester, MA, this typical of many of the older homes on Cape Cod. What I find so goo...