Painting in Hopper's House in Nyack, New York

Just returned from several days of painting in the room Edward Hopper was born in and where he lived until well into his twenties. It's now the Edward Hopper House Art Center in Nyack, NY. I was invited to come and paint there when I was up at the end of March for their opening reception for their current show of my paintings of Hopper's "other House", his studio up on Cape Cod. They also asked me to speak on a panel last Thursday evening, so I decided to spend a few extra days to do some painting. I got a lot of new work done (well, not completely finished yet, but very well underway). And I took a whole pile of new photographs of the house and environs. I put out a lot of energy and need to get some well earned rest. But I'll have some proper blog posts about the experience up in a couple of days. Please stay tuned. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a photo of one of the painting in their show of my work that's on display through ...