Landscape Artist Inspired by Young Muses

I was out painting last week and happened to have my camera with me. While I worked to resolve a difficult passage in my foreground I heard a rustling of the branches and turned to confront something I rarely see. I was able to capture on film this rare appearance of the Muse. Actually two Muses.So I figure as a painter I'm doubly blessed and hereafter my paintings can only grow stronger. I wonder why they appeared in such a youthful form this time. Many doubt the existence of the Muse, but I don't. The ancient Greeks thought of this goddess of art as female, highly insightful, sensitive and intuitive. But she was also elusive and apt to appear unexpectedly and then just as quicky disappear. That mirrors so well the creative process, sometimes flowing freely and effortlessly. Other times all but disappearing from our studios. Of course we artists are about more than just inspiration from the Muse. We know a lot because we've spent thousands of hours practicing our ar...