Time Travel (and why I'm so busy in my studio recently)

Philip Koch, Friday Morning, oil on canvas, 40 x 60", 1990. This was painted on Caves Road northwest of Baltimore, a place that strongly reminds me of the long driveway I would walk everyday to reach my school bus stop. It resonates with feeling for me because of this. You may have noticed I haven't added a new post in several weeks. The Swope Art Museum in Terre Haute, IN is opening a major exhibition of my work in January. I've super excited about it and have been deeply involved with finishing paintings for that show. In the meantime here are some of my paintings from 1988-90. As a break from standing at my easel I've been looking at images from some of my paintings from decades back that have been recently scanned from their 35mm slides to digital format. Gradually a comprehensive archive of my work is emerging. It is wonderful to see these older paintings again as they all long ago were added to collections all over the country. Philip...