Mysterious Flame: Rockwell Kent

Some images just stick with you. This one's got me. When I was just turning four my family moved to a house on the shore of Lake Ontario, some miles outside of Rochester, NY. There were few other houses around and not too many other kids to play with so much of the time we made our own fun. One of my clearest memories were the huge fires my sister and I would make from the driftwood we'd collect along the rock covered shore. With no other lights visible, the night sky was pure ink black. Part pyromaniac, I used to love to make the biggest fires possible. Like the one in Rockwell Kent's engraving Flame above, the fires would spit out sparks that would be carried upwards by the heat to disappear among the stars. Looking at Kent's reclining man, I know Kent loved following those upward paths of his fires' sparks too. Fire of course when you watch it flicker and burn seems to have a living quality. And in the hands of Rockwell Kent it becomes an ama...