Upcoming One Day Landscape Painting Workshop July 23

The Peninsula Fine Arts Center in Newport News, Virginia is showing my eight museum traveling exhibition Unbroken Thread: The Art of Philip Koch July 23 - August 2. There will be an opening reception and a brief artists talk Friday evening, July 22.

Coupled with the big show of my landscape drawings and paintings, the museum will have me teach a one day landscape painting workshop. Regular readers of this blog are familiar with many of my ideas about the landscape from its philosophical significance to more practical concerns like how to connect one's drawing skill to oil painting. I hope some of you can join us for this workshop- these are always a lot of fun to teach and I know my students alwasy come away stronger painters.

Here the information from the Peninsula Fine Arts Center's website. Here's the link to their site.

Saturday, July 23, 9am-4pm
$100 Pfac member / $125 non-member

Instructor: Philip Koch

Students will study what to look for, 
how to select and crop; 
to choose key shapes and to draw them; 
to build pictorial space; 
to structure of darks and lights; 
to mix color; 
to learn strategies to build strong compositions and
effectively handle paint.

Weather permitting, students will work outdoors during
botha morning painting session and an afternoon
painting session. A group critique will follow both
painting sessions.
All mediums and all skill levels invited. A suggested
materials list will accompany your registration and will
reflect your emphasis on oil, acrylic, or watercolor.
Pfac will supply a lightweight aluminum easily if you do
not have an outdoor easel.

Philip Koch is well known for his vividly colored
contemporary landscape paintings. His work is featured
this summer in Unbroken Thread: The Art of Philip Koch,
part of an eight-museum tour that begins at Pfac on
July 23.

For more biographical information, refer to

Workshop location: Pfac
Special registration information:
May 22-28             Registration for Pfac members
May 29                  Registration open to the public
Limit: 10 students. A limited waiting list will be taken. 
To register:
Please call Visitor Services at (757)596-8175.
A deposit of $50
is required to register. Final payment is due Friday, July 1.
Cancellations must be made by email to
vservices@pfac-va.org .
For cancellations received July 8, a $25 cancellation
fee will be deducted from the amount paid. After July 8,
 no refund is available. 

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