Listening to One's Paintings

Philip Koch, The Reach, oil on panel, 10 x 15, 2015

Sometimes things take a while to unfold. 

I've always found I do well when I've let time pass and return to paintings weeks or months after I've made them to see how I can understand them differently. Often they seem to softly call me back and whisper in my ear about changes they think will make them more clear and focused. Usually when I listen to them things get better.

Philip Koch, Edward Hopper's Parlor, Nyack,  oil 
on panel, 12 x 9", 2015

I've been working happily in my studio the last few weeks on a focused project of revisiting some oils from last year and adjusting their colors. Lights and middle tones are getting some new emphasis.

Philip Koch, Sonnet I,  oil on panel, 6 1/2 x 13", 2015

Here are a few from the group I've been working on. Some of them will serve as the basis for some new large studio oils.

Philip Koch, Frenchman's Bay, oil on panel, 6 1/2 x 13", 2015

Philip Koch, Frenchman's Bay, oil on panel, 6 1/2  x 13", 2015

Philip Koch, Still Pine,  oil on panel, 12 x 12", 2015

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