Lost Edward Hopper Studio Drawing Found!
After a four year on and off search I am delighted to report I finally found the vine charcoal drawing I did of Edward Hopper's bedroom. It was done in his Truro, MA studio in Fall of 2006. To get this point of view my portable easel had to be set up in the studio's kitchen. My missing drawing had been lurking until this morning somewhere in my studio in Baltimore.
It has been driving me slightly mad as I remember having really liked it but just couldn't put my hands on it (confession, alright, it was just where I had left it, tucked in with some other early Hopper studio drawings behind a larger painting in my storage racks).
The drawing served as the basis of a couple of pastels and ultimately for this larger oil, Edward Hopper's Truro Studio Bedroom, oil on panel, 24 x 12", 2012.
Hopper was no stranger to making drawings when he worked in this studio (there is a major exhibition in the offing at the Whitney Museum being organized by Carter Foster, Hopper Drawing, later this spring that will showcase many of the small drawings he made in preparation for his oil paintings). One I'm familiar with is this study, a fanciful variation on the corner of his painting room.

Above is an old photo I ran across of Hopper working in the studio's big painting room. Behind him, standing in front of the fireplace is his wife of many years Jo. Here is a photo I took last Fall of my wife Alice sitting in the painting room. Just to the right of the fireplace is the door leading to Hopper's bedroom.
And finally here's a photo taken standing in the bedroom looking back into the studio kitchen. The door pictured is the one in the foreground of my drawing at the beginning of this post.