Hot times in the Studio, with a Vengeance

Hows that for a vista of mountain with the crisp air blowing gently across your face.

Excuse me but I'm dreaming. Last year at this time I took a week long painting trip to Vermont to work from its wonderful Green Mountains. The above vine charcoal was one of the results. I had hoped to be greeted by cool & crisp temperatures, but that trip coincided with some serious heat and humidity (at least by New England standards). 

We had a major storm tear through the Mid-Atlantic region Friday evening and it blew out the power for us and hundreds of thousands of others. Unfortunately we're in the middle of an unprecedented heat wave as well. Hotter than blazes in my studio the last 3 1/2 days. As it was 104 on Saturday we called it quits and spent three nights as refugees. This interrupted the blog I would have written as well as the ongoing updating of my new website (that replaces the old site). 

Things are coming back to normal as of this morning so the blog and new website will be getting refreshed soon. In particular I want the new pages devoted to my vine charcoal drawings and to my pastels to get posted.

One of the cool things we did while away was drive up to Wilmington, DE to see the new shows at the Delaware Art Museum, and then over to Chadds Ford., PA where we toured the former studio of Andrew Wyeth as well as the new exhibits at the Brandywine River Museum. I'll probably do a blog post or two on Andrew Wyeth shortly.

More soon.

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