Two Thanksgiving Stories

Philip Koch's easel set up with White Mountain Pond, vine charcoal, 8 x 12", 2014 Two stories . Things that happened to me early in my four decades of painting the landscape out in the field. Both still make me smile. First the funny one, though in a slightly painful way. In the summer of 1972 I was just about to leave Indiana University in Bloomington with my newly minted MFA degree in painting. I had been very happy living in an old army barracks that had been converted to married student housing. So for one of my final Bloomington paintings I was set up in a field painting the somewhat dilapidated building that housed my apartment. It was going well and I was pleased with myself. A young girl wandered by and stopped to see what I was doing. She looked for a long minute and finally asked me "Did you paint that?" I readied myself for the praise I was sure would follow and pridefully responded "Yes." The girl managed a sad smile an...